Fostered Architecture and Art. The byzantine empire 1. Romanos I Lekapenos R 920 944 Roman History Byzantine Art Roman Empire Ruler reign emir nobility dynasty aristocracy maurice rusbyzantine war sultan rûm charlemagne fall of the western roman empire middle ages christian persecution of paganism under theodosius i ancient greek macedonian dynasty byzantinesasanian war of 602628 battle of manzikert asia minor fourth crusade europe modern greek fall of constantinople. . A Its most common religion was Christianity. Ruler of the Carolingian empire 768-814 your staged and in Pieriel revival in Western Europe. Justinian gained power and fame for his buildings and architecture. Outside the Empire. Unlock all answers Please join to get access. He was said to have a calm personality handpicked his own set of ministers from all walks of life effectively ruling under him doing his bidding. A-- The Roman Catholic Ch...